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Boek The Story of the Bucky Lab

24 februari 2020: De collega’s van TU Delft zijn een nieuwe boekenserie gestart. De eerste uitgave van deze reeks bericht over de laatste 10 jaar van het Bucky Lab. Dit is het eerste mastersemester van Bouwtechnologie dat wij al sinds jaren kennen en sommige van onze leden zelfs hebben mee gemaakt …

Boek The Story of the Bucky Lab


"...Affecting the next generation is the motivation for this book because it is the motivation for Marcel Bilow’s work and his approach to teaching, be it about a concrete product to be developed or an individual’s experience. It is about teaching students to physically exercise practical application rather than merely thinking about it: we can contemplate a hole in a wooden plank; however, actually creating it, experiencing the consequences and identifying limits and failures is the most valuable aspect. Any and all construction is based hereupon, a combination of both: the activity of constructing itself but also constructive thinking, thoroughly understanding a solution – essential skills that any architect needs to experience."

And the tool to accomplish this is, of course, a practical, hands-on course. Going conform with the generally established tradition in construction-related universitysubjects at TU Delft of having students build small projects, the faculty at TU Delft has a history of conducting hands-on courses. But Marcel Bilow certainly breathed new life into these courses that are part of the Master’s program at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft: by setting up the Bucky Lab. Buckminster Fuller, constructor and inventor served as inspiration, for the name as well as for the program: to be able to think, conceive and realize sensible and practical solutions. It is, therefore, no surprise that Marcel became known as Dr. Bucky Lab.

Is there more to the course? Yes, there is another, very important part that goes beyond practical application. It's all about stimulating the students’ desire to make things better, to introduce technical developments into construction, and to utilize new methods if they make sense in a given context."

auteurs Marcel Bilow, Tillmann Klein en Ulrich Knaack

taal English



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